Taxes - let's keep them low (Dave has been endorsed by U.S. CongressmEn Dave Brat and Rob Wittman, Former virginia attorney general ken cuccinelli and state senator Bryce Reeves)
Keeping taxes lowWhen I ran to be your representative in 2011 - the elected leaders in Spotsylvania County had not set the residential property tax rate below the equalized rate since 1975!
Promise delivered - in 2012, Spotsylvania County's residential tax rate was set 2 cents below the equalized rate - a first since 1975 (37 years) Subsequently, I have fought for further tax reductions each year I have served on the board in relation to the equalized rate. Our current residential rate is another 2 cents less than it was in 2012, being set slightly lower than the equalized rate again in 2014. I believe budget efficiencies have been gained by advertising a lower tax rate up front. Once a rate is advertised, it cannot be raised unless re-advertised. What advertising a lower rate up front does is makes everyone on local government payroll adjust / trim / reduce unnecessary things to make the budget work. Indeed, during the time I have served as your representative we have reduced taxes while giving raises to teachers (see education tab), hiring more teachers and fire fighters, paying for a new and much needed emergency radio system, and having 24/7 coverage at each of our fire stations. Doing more with less - a pledge that I will continue to strive for as your representative on the Board of Supervisors.
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